The Heart Bath Ceremony - A Night of Cacao, Chanting, and Gongs - Das Gongbad - The Gong Bath
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The Heart Bath Ceremony – A Night of Cacao, Chanting, and Gongs

Februar 26 @ 19:00 - 21:30


A Night of Cacao, Chanting, and Gongs with Alan and Flavia.

We warmly invite you to join us for this special evening.

The focus will be the loving care of your heart; combining the heart-opening medicine of cacao, sound, and the blissful effortlessness of a gong bath.

We start by drinking ceremonial cacao from Peru, followed by toning, chanting, and somatic exploration.

These will help us tap into the depths of our heart space.  We will then be ready to lay down for a gong bath.

The gong meditation will deepen our sense of the heartfelt space that has been activated by the ceremony before.

After the gong bath, there will be 15 minutes of golden silence.


Februar 26
19:00 - 21:30


Alan Steinborn


Be:Life Studio
Klosbachstrasse 3
Zürich, 8032 Switzerland
+ Google Karte


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Heart Bath
CHF 90,00
18 available

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