Gong Nidra & Cacao Ceremony - Das Gongbad - The Gong Bath
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Gong Nidra & Cacao Ceremony

Dezember 10, 2023 @ 16:00 - 19:00

Price: CHF 99

Gong Nidra

Let yourself be guided into exquisite stillness of the mind.

In this session, Alan Steinborn and Elena Mironov weave together two profound forms of meditation to help awaken your senses while going beyond the busy mind.


Gong bath meditation is a unique musical journey. It is a moment just for you, as you are, with no need to change anything. It works by itself. Effortlessly. The results are unique every time as it meets you where you are.


Yoga nidra is a profoundly restorative form of meditation that enables your brain to experience delta waves that usually only appear in deep dreamless sleep. Yoga nidra sets in motion powerful regeneration processes on a cellular level and brings about a feeling of ease and relaxation.


Synergistically, these two approaches will make any physical, mental and emotional stress effortlessly dissolve and evaporate, leaving you with a feeling of calm, peace and serenity.


Join us and give yourself, your brain and your nervous system a gift of rest and regeneration.


During this unique session, you will

• get transported to a quiet space of sensitivity and inspiration by the deep sound and vibration of live gongs with Alan

• experience a sense of deep relaxation and presence with a yoga nidra meditation practice guided by Elena

• your whole body restoring and regenerating on a cellular level

• stress and exhaustion effortlessly melting away and energy flowing back through a profound somatic relaxation

• feel your nervous system at ease and thoroughly reset

• warmth all over your inner body and your heart opening in response to cacao ceremony

• your soul nourished and your energetic body re-calibrated.


Dezember 10, 2023
16:00 - 19:00


Trichtenhauser Str. 57
Zollikerberg, Zürich 8125 Switzerland
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