Day of The Gong - Das Gongbad - The Gong Bath
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Day of The Gong

Januar 20 @ 10:00 - 18:00

Gong playing initiation.

On this magical and fun day, you get a chance to explore what it is like to be on the other side of the gongs…the one playing.

This day is for anybody who is interested in playing gongs, whether it is just for the day, to find out what it is like, or as part of your meditation or sound healing practice

You won’t want to miss this special opportunity which happens 3 times a year. 

Some of the highlights of this day include: 

1. Get to know Alan’s gongs. There will be 10 gongs and you will have an opportunity to get to know each and every gong.

2. Enjoy a gong performance from Alan. This is different from a gong bath. Alan will perform for you and you can watch what he does to generate the mysterious sounds.

3. Learn how to meditate while playing the gongs. This dynamic meditation is valuable as it translates to any action of your life.

4. Enjoy playing with your fellow participants. This develops great communication and sensitivity as we play into each other’s listening. Also, it is a chance to have your expression heard and appreciated by a receptive audience.

5. Singing/Chanting together. This basic making sound with our voices is the most easy way to create a community where everyone’s voice is valued. You can’t do it wrong. It is for everyone.

6. Receive a gong bath by Alan and, as a group, give a gong bath to Alan. This is the climax of the day and is so empowering to know that you can be the catalyst for someone’s transformation.

In between, we eat a potluck lunch together.

Snacks and drinks are provided.

Please note, the group size must be limited so that all can play each gong and really go deep. So if you want to come, now is the time to reserve your space.


Januar 20
10:00 - 18:00


Alan Steinborn


Be:Life Studio
Klosbachstrasse 3
Zürich, 8032 Switzerland
+ Google Karte


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