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Poem: Sweet Darkness

Sweet Darkness When your eyes are tired the world is tired also. When your vision has gone no part of the world can find you. Time to go into the dark where the night has eyes to recognize its own. There you can be sure you are not beyond love. The dark will be your womb tonight. The night will give you a horizon further than you can see. You must learn one thing: the world was made to be free...

The Guru in a Handful of Ashes

Some books are memorable. Some may even change your life. Some books work their magic even from the very first sentence. For me, Henry Miller's Tropic of Capricorn was such a book. I first discovered Henry Miller's Tropic of Capricorn in the spring of 1992 while visiting my mom. As always when visiting anybody, friends, family, but especially strangers, given half a chance, I would look into...

Daniela’s Recipe for Gong Bath Nirvana

Qigong teacher Daniela Nea Cho Hauri has a unique perspective on how to best approach a gong bath. She is a wonderful teacher of Qigong who I am proud to call my partner in all the sessions I offer that have qigong and gong baths. We have  a weekly session, New Moon Sessions every 3 months or so and now we are about to have a one day special session. (To see what sessions we have coming up,...

A Deep Dive into Contemplative Meditation for Gong Baths

If I say the word 'meditation,' what comes to you? What do you picture when you think of this word? If you are like me, you picture someone with eyes closed, maybe a little smile on their face. Or maybe you think about how the word 'meditation' relates to you personally. Me? At this moment, I picture my daughter staring at a candle. This is pure imagination. She is 6 years old, and trust me, she...

9 Principles of Giving Gong Baths

Gong playing is no different from any other pursuit. You can study from others, you can read books, but to really get it, you need to get into it. Here are 9 principles that have served me well, and might serve you well in a pursuit that matters to you. 1. Learn the macro from the micro. People often ask how I learned to play the gongs. The answer? By playing one gong at a time, one mallet at a...

Why I am *not* a Sound Healer

Sound healing. I see these words everywhere. I see bunches of people calling themselves 'sound healers.' I am *not* a sound healer. Please understand, I am not here to criticize. People call themselves whatever they call themselves. It's ok. The short answer why I am not a sound healer? To me, this whole thing is a mystery, and I am keenly aware that I don't know what causes what and where it is...

Seven Steps To Gong Bath Heaven

If you have ever been to one of my gong baths there is a good chance that you have heard me say some version of the following:  'you cannot do this gong bath wrong.' I say this because it is true. At a gong bath, you can think what you think, feel what you feel, sleep, snore, fart, sneeze, and you will still get the benefits. And in a world where we are constantly challenged to 'be our best,'...

Holiday Gift: 10 Essential Pieces of Music for You

I was listening to a friend named Golda, who was a lot older than me. She was telling me about a concert in the early 60s in a small cafe in NYC featuring the likes of John Coltrane and Eric Dolphy. She said the music was of such a quality that everyone was just in tears. I listened and then, said to her: I am so jealous. I wish I was there.' She just looked at me and answered, famously: 'Now...

10 Reasons Gong Baths are a Big Deal

If you know me, you know that I like to joke around almost all the time and about almost everything. There is just very little in this life that I find that I can take seriously. So much of it seems hilarious to me. There are three distinct areas of my life I take very seriously. One area of life is that I care deeply about people. I care about fellow passengers on a bus, I care about those I eat...

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